


1-1.5万/月 全职
上海 3年以上
本科 2022-03-19



-Major: mechanical manufacturing and automation; eletctrical engineering and automation; electric automation technology;
-More than 5 years\'work experience at least 3 in asquality manager in mechanical company involved in mechanical assembly
-Excellent understanding of mechanical drawings and machining process
-Experience in using CMM machine(ideally Zeiss)
-Experience in using QC tools
-Ability to write simple documentation related to QA such as;Procedure, checklist, Report etc.
-Knowledge of motor ****ing
-Previous experience in an elevator traction machine company
-Previous experience in obtaining ISO 9001 certification
The main responsibilities will be
-Be responsible of the incoming material assuring that non conform material are rejected
-Record and store properly the data related to incoming inspection
-Provide feedback to supplier and workiing collaboratively wih them in order to improve their quality
-Guarantee the quality of assembly in the production line
-Guarantee that **** on semifinished and finished products are made properly
-Analyze customer complaiin together with technical department
-Guarantee the proper use and maintenance of QC tools and equipment
