

您当前所在的位置:一览 > 一览·照明 > 道晟灯具(上海)有限公司 > 包装专员




薪资待遇:3000-5000 月薪


招聘对象: 社会人才




年龄要求: 不限

外语要求: 英语


工作地点: 上海-奉贤区

工作职责 Responsibilities:

1. 根据客人要求为客户订单协调和准备包装资料的文件制作,核对和确认。

Prepare and coordinate the creation and validation of packaging materials for client orders according to requirements.

2. 通过ERP系统制作客户订单的包装资料清单并维护包装资料数据库的完整和及时更新

Create BOP (bill of packaging) for client orders using ERP system. Maintain and keep dated the BOP database in ERP.
3. 解决其他部门反映出的包装相关错误和问题,不断提高包装资料的质量

Deal with mistakes and problems related to packaging which reported by other departments and keep improving packaging quality
4. 根据经理批示执行和存档包装问题检查报告并确保包装资料的更正在日常订单生产中能够正确执行

Implement and record the packaging problem complaint form after manager validation, and make sure the quality improvement action was implemented on daily order

5. 跟踪包装资料完成的进度并协调和督促各个相关人员促进订单包装资料的按时性和准确性

Following up the status of packaging preparation for client orders. Coordinate and push related parties for the accurate and on-time completion of BOP for client orders

6. 根据客人要求准备其他包装相关样品,照片和测试报告等。

Prepare other packaging related samples, pictures and **** reports etc. according to requirements of clients

7. 完成包装主管分配的其他日常工作

Other daily tasks assigned by packaging supervisor

任职资格 Qualifications:

1. 大学本科学历 包装相关专业尤佳

University degree, packaging related education would be a plus

2. 两年包装领域相关工作经验尤佳

2 years experience in packaging related position would be a plus
3. 良好的英语读写能力

Good command of English, at least written English
4. 工作勤奋,仔细

Hard working and well organized

5. 注重工作细节

High attention paid to details

6. 良好的沟通能力与协作能力

Good communication skill & co-operation skill
7. 良好的计算机应用能力,会使用Adobe Illustrator, Adobe acrobat者尤佳

Good computer skill, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe acrobat would be a plus
TAOlight is a Sino European lighting products manufacturer based in Shanghai (factory) and Hong Kong (international sales office).
We design, assemble and distribute our decorative and functional lighting products to leading DIY and Mass Retailers all over the world.
道晟灯具有限公司是一家欧洲灯具产品生产厂家, 生产工厂位于上海, 国际销售总部位于香港.
公司集设计、生产和销售为一体, 产品主要有装饰灯及功能灯系列, 客户包括世界各地的知名DIY连锁店和分销商.

Founded in mid 2004, TAOlight has been growing at a rapid pace with distribution in 40 countries. Our 2 factory sites cover about 25,000m2 and host 24 assembling lines with almost 1000 employees. We have our own metal and lamp shade workshops, as well as in-house lab.
公司成立于2004年中旬, 自成立以来发展迅速, 产品已经销往全球40多个国家和地区.
公司在上海的两个工厂占地面积达25000平方米, 拥有24条生产线, 员工将近1000人.

As young and fast-growing, we bring wide development potential and bright future. To realize our growth expectation, we also need your knowledge, experience and dedication.
Join us and grow with us!
作为一家年轻而蓬勃发展的公司, 这里拥有广阔的发展空间和光明灿烂的前景. 为了加快我们成长的脚步, 我们同样需要您的知识、经验和贡献.
加入我们的团队吧, 与我们一起迈向成功!
